Sustainable Practices: Teaching Kids About Environmental Law  ?>

Sustainable Practices: Teaching Kids About Environmental Law 

Sustainability and the environment go together. Sustainability is necessary for a healthy environment to be achieved. Everyone must follow sustainable practices to preserve environmental reserves for present and future generations, from children to adults. Children need to learn the importance of sustainability from such an early age to be able to practice it later. Therefore, parents and teachers must adopt a sustainable parenting approach. 

At The Manthan School, one of the best schools in Greater Noida, students are encouraged to develop environmentally friendly habits from an early age. The school integrates sustainable practices into its curriculum, aiming to educate children about the importance of living green and understanding environmental law. By focusing on sustainability, The Manthan School helps students become aware of their impact on the planet and equips them with the knowledge to make responsible choices. Let’s delve into some of these sustainable practices and how they contribute to teaching kids about environmental responsibility and legal frameworks related to the environment.  

Understanding Sustainability 

Sustainability refers to developing or supporting the current processes without harming future resources. It assumes that the environmental reserves are limited as essential commodities like water are legitimately non-renewable and efficiently used. 

Significance of Sustainability  

Sustainability is essential as most natural resources are limited. Besides, current environmental practices are depleting or destroying the formation of newer ones. This would create a scarcity of natural resources in the future. Consequently, your child could face water shortage, lack of electricity, lesser soil formation, and little to no fossil fuels. So, the next generation would find it challenging to survive on earth. Activities like pollution and environmental degradation have already led to melting polar ice caps, resulting in rising sea levels and creating natural disasters.  

Teaching Kids About Environmental Law 

You can teach your child about environmental law in various ways, and consequently, they will follow sustainable practices. 

Below mentioned is a list of the same:  

  • Educate your Child About the Environment: The foremost task of the parents is to educate the child. A child is naive; they will never understand the problem of exhaustion of resources and its consequences if you don’t teach. So, it’s your moral responsibility to help build awareness in their minds about sustainability and environmental laws. Simple short stories, video case studies are some of the simple ways. You can then ask your child to practice with them to save the earth and the future. Start teaching them waste segregation by putting garbage in bins, depending on color and type. 
  • Plant Trees with Your Child: Whether it be excessive heat that makes your child sick, or wild animals grazing in the open, everything is due to less green cover. Therefore, teach your child the formula of 4 on 1. This suggests that for every plant you chop off, always plant 4 more saplings in exchange.  

Additionally, always take your child in the garden on Sunday mornings, weekends, and other occasions. Teach them to plant the sapling in a fun way and make it a routine. Therefore, your child will plant more trees in their love for gardening. It will help save the environment by increasing green cover.  

  • Incorporate Sustainability into Your Daily Lives: Children learn from their elders and what they see around them. Therefore, your small habits or their company makes a significant difference. So, introduce sustainability into your daily lives and encourage them to practice it. It begins with small habits like saving the blank pages of an old session’s notebook to bind a new one from it. Another example is using cotton or cloth bags instead of plastic bags. Further, use the things in good condition and still unusable, then recycle them or create a best-out-of-waste solution. This is a good approach towards a sustainable lifestyle and protecting the environment.  
  • Jot Down the Carbon Footprint: Make it a habit to record your carbon footprints in schools and homes. It is a great way to teach students about sustainable practices. For example, in schools, the teacher can make a board where the children will mark their carbon footprint for that day. It helps them understand what they are using or how to find an alternative. 
  • Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle: The main components of a sustainable life are these five approaches – Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, and Recycle. You have to teach your children these basic practices.  

REFUSE: Stop using products that harm the environment.   

REDUCE: Lessen the use of non-renewable resources. 

REUSE: Always encourage reusing things or products like your child’s old clothes or toys by giving them to someone needy or similar.  

REPURPOSE: Use existing waste or unused materials to create something usable for other purposes. For example, metal cans can be used for plantations.  

RECYCLE: Use existing material like paper to convert it into something for an entirely different purpose. For example, waste newspapers can be used to create a photo frame.   


The environment is where we live, and it supports our living. The current rate of environmental degradation will make it impossible for future generations, that is, your children, to survive. Hence, teaching them about sustainable practices and the environment is a moral responsibility of us as parents and elders.  

At The Manthan School, one of the leading schools in Greater Noida West, academics and co-curricular activities are designed to foster the value of environmental conservation among children. The school conducts various activities that allow students to practice sustainable habits, channeling their energy towards safeguarding their future. This approach not only promotes environmental awareness but also ensures a healthy and dynamic learning space for all students. 

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